So if this really IS nesting, there are ways to make those nesting instincts work in your favor if you're a green-lovin' momma like me. In the pictures below, you'll see two exciting things happening in my kitchen.
First, my Advent Conspiracy gift from my husband and parents-in-law is that my kitchen was finally painted! Huzzah! I love that bright, cheery yellow color. It goes so well with the candy apple green in my living room and I'm convinced we'll actually turn the lights on less because it reflects so much of the natural day light we get in our windows.
But second, take a look at my hubby using his mad skills to help me winterize my kitchen windows! This is a chore I've been doing since I was a kid. I remember my mom putting this stuff up and then enjoying poking at it, watching the cold air billow on the other side. I'm sure what my mom loved was that we weren't going to spend a fortune on heating the house that winter! After some coaxing to get my pregnant belly off the couch, we've now winterized everything but the bathroom window... just one to go! What a GREEN friendly option - green for my wallet AND green for the earth!
What techniques do you use to save a little green during the winter months???
I like the yellow kitchen! Yellow is a tough color in my experience. Way to get it on the first try! Our first yellow room took three tries!