Sunday, April 1, 2012

Things to take to the hopsital

So I've read a lot of different sources on things to take to the hospital... and given that I'm 37 weeks pregnant, I thought maybe I should be starting my own list.  But I will be humble enough to admit that I have NO idea what I'm talking about here.  This is just a compilation of things that made sense from other sources.  So first of all, expect an "update" some day about whether or not any of these items were actually needed or useful.  And secondly, feel FREE to provide your input.  I've provided my own thoughts on the items too...

Paperworky Things
Insurance Card - not 100% sure I'll need this, since I've already pre-registered with Mt Auburn.  But it's always in my wallet, so doesn't really matter either way.
Hospital Paperwork - again, I'm pretty sure I've turned in everything in advance... but this might be important for other mamas out there at different locations
Birth Plan - my midwife and I talked about this last week.  We're both pretty sure that the vast majority of the things I want for my labor and delivery are "standard" with the midwives at Mt Auburn.  But I'm going to jot down a few notes for a) my own peace of mind and b) Ben's benefit.  That way he'll have the resource available if he, in a sleepy stupor, doesn't know the answer to any questions he's asked.

For the Labor/Delivery/Recovery Room (everything up to 2 hours post birth)
Chapstick - always a good idea, as the air in hospitals is generally dry.  And since I have about 100 laying around half completed, it won't be sad to "miss" one for the next couple weeks while it sits in the bag unused.
Music and connector - the LDR rooms at Mt Auburn are set up with CD players and have iPhone/iPod capability, but no cabling for it.  Not even 100% sure I feel the need to have music.  But it would be sad to not plan on this and then regret it.

For the Recovery Room (from 2 hours to 48 hours post birth)
Toiletries- personally, I'm not so picky.  And I know that the hospital will have some standard/generic stuff available.  But I'll probably throw in the most recent travel sized collection I have from a hotel, just in case.
hair brush - I only have 1 at home, so I can't pack it.  But I do have one I keep at work that I could bring home to pack.
Pajamas/Nightgown - this item is being tough for me.  First of all, everyone recommends it be something that you don't mind "ruining" by accident.  And then there's also the stipulation that I won't be back to my original pre-pregnancy size anyway.  So I'll probably pack my pregnancy sweats and a couple of older t-shirts that I don't care about as much.  I need to think about this more...
Non-slip socks or slippers - I wear my slippers at the house all the time.  They definitely couldn't go in a bag tonight and be unseen for the next 3 weeks.  I'll pack a couple pairs of socks though... but non-slip?  Huh-uh, don't have any.  I guess if I remember to throw the slippers in at the last minute, great.
Nursing Bras and pads
Going Home outfit for myself - Needs to be comfy.  But also something that I don't mind wearing out in relative public.  Probably should be something that I fit into in the 3-6 month pregnant range.
Cell phone and Charger - of course can't pack now.  But I do have an extra charger that I typically leave at work.  I could probably bring that home and put it in the bag.
Pen and Paper - to write down questions between midwife visits, tips from an LC or RN, notes from the Pedi regarding how babygirl is doing, weights, etc.
Camera and charger - I know Ben will go crazy with his iPhone, but since I don't have one, I'll throw my camera down in the bag, just in case.
Extra pony tail holders - ya never know.  And they don't take up that much space.

Unsure about these items
Sanitary Napkins - Some things I've read suggest that the hospital will provide what I need and that I should leave these at home.  Others say take 'em.  Suppose it would be a good question for the midwife the next time I see her!
snacks - we know that the Mt Auburn hospital has a great cafeteria, good room service, and a large number of candy/snack machines available.  We also don't typically eat a ton of non-perishable, prepackaged snacks anyway (they tend to fall in the category of "food-like products" for us, which we try to avoid)... so I hate to buy a bunch of things that fall in the "snack" category just to waste them.  But maybe a pack of granola bars is a good idea???
Contacts and Make up??? - I think it's obvious why this is on the maybe list.  It's so "unnecessary."  But these pics will last a life time.  So if I could look good in a couple... it might be worth it.

For Ben
Clothes for two days

For Baby
Car Seat
Diaper Bag
Coming Home outfit
Receiving Blankets
Baby book??? - several sources suggest bringing it to put baby footprints in.  But I'm not even sure if the one I have has a spot for footprints- I need to look.  And on top of that, it might be just as easy to have them put on a piece of paper and add it to the book at a later date.

I don't think I'll take
A pillow - I'm not so attached to my pillows from home.  And the hospital will have pillows.  I'd rather not overpack.

What am I missing???

1 comment:

  1. Pads....pack them....yours will be cheaper rather than $15/each

    Socks....they'll have some, but again, hit up old navy for a pair for $5 ....again, cheaper

    And your sisters phone number. ;)
