This week, O has really added a lot of noise to her smiling-- it's not a full out laugh or gafaw... but she vocalizes when she smiles, which is so darn cute. We otherwise haven't really made any remarkable developmental improvements this week.
Olivia did get her 2 month vaccines on Monday... they didn't go so hot. The rest of the day (and a good part of Tuesday), she was either lethargic or really fussy, neither of which are typical for her. But she's come out of it okay and should be in good spirits for her trip to see family this weekend. I owe you all posts about all kinds of things-- a flight to IN, vaccine opinions, new montessori toys, etc. But for now, it's bedtime in Boston.
Enjoy these pics from the 2 month birthday:
Love from Boston!
She's so awake! And blonde!!!